commercial solar system

Investing in a solar power system for your commercial building could strategically change the future running costs of your business and help to maximise your return on investment.Now, more than ever, is a better time to go solar. Energy bills are the highest they have ever been in Australia and are directly increasing your business’s running costs. While energy bills are spiking, solar prices are falling, and the Government is continuing to provide incentives and rebates.A commercial solar system typically refers to a solar power system installed on a commercial property or business premises to generate electricity from sunlight. These systems can vary greatly in size depending on the energy needs of the business and the available space for solar panels.

Best Solution for Your Business

Overall, investing in a commercial solar system can offer long-term cost savings on electricity bills, reduce carbon footprint, and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability for businesses. However, it's essential for businesses to conduct a thorough feasibility study and work with experienced solar installers to design and implement a system that meets their specific energy needs and objectives.

How to Install Commercial Solar Panels

commercial solar panels are generally installed on roofs in one of two ways: ballasted racking or attached racking. Ballasted racking uses cement blocks or other heavy items to secure panels to a flat roof. Attached racking enables panels to be attached to sloping roofs by using roof-penetrating hardware. While you might be able to DIY smaller-scale solar panels for residential use, commercial solar panel installation is best left up to the tools and the training of professionals. Not only could incorrect installation result in the solar panels generating low power levels, but it could pose a hazard if panels are not secured properly in place.